For Readers
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
A Reading Program for Children From Birth to Age 5
BestSeller’s Club
Let us keep track of your favorite fiction authors for you!
Dear Reader
Online Book Club
Sign up for one, or several book clubs, depending on your reading tastes. The next morning, you will start receiving your daily “dose of book.” On Monday the clubs start new books. Each day you will receive a little more of the featured book. By the end of the week, you will have sampled 2-3 chapters, enough to know if you “just-have-to” finish the book.
E-books and Audiobooks
Free downloads
NextReads is an email newsletter subscription service that provides reading suggestions for all ages in more than 20 reading interest categories.
NoveList K-8 Plus 
Novelist K-8 Plus provides access to reading recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction for kids in grades K-8.
NoveList Plus 
Novelist Plus provides access to reading recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction. A readers’ advisory resource.
TumbleBook Library
Animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they’ll love.